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Home For Patients Dental Blog Signs of A Dry Socket

Signs of A Dry Socket

Posted on 5/23/2022 by Evan
Signs of A Dry SocketIf you have had a tooth pulling procedure before, the dentist might have warned you about dry sockets. Dry socket is a condition that develops after a tooth extraction. It is caused by failure of the blood clot to form leading to exposure of the bone and nerves.

Symptoms of a dry socket

Severe pain at the extraction site. The pain can be instant or a few days after pulling as opposed to a normal socket where the pain reduces as time goes.

No blood clot at the site. For a normal socket, the blood clot disappears when the wound is healed. A visible bone at the site. A foul smell from your mouth that does not go away after brushing. Radiation of pain from the socket to the ear, temple, eye and neck on the same side.

Causes of a Dry Socket

Chemical factors. Nicotine reduces blood flow in the mouth leading to failure of a blood clot formation. Bacterial factors. If you had an infection before extraction, it can make the blood clot not to form.

Mechanical factors. If you use a straw or smoke, the blood clot may dislodge. Physiological factors. These can be hormones, low supply of blood and dense jawbone. All these can prevent formation of a blood clot.

Treatment Of a Dry Socket

The purpose of treatment is to manage pain. In the clinic, the dentist may flush the socket to get rid of food particles. Medicated dressings are placed in the socket and you are given anti-inflammatory medication.

When you go home, you are required to use the prescribed rinse to flush the socket for a few days while continuing with medication to reduce pain. You should not skip follow up appointments. For more information, call us or visit our dental clinic.
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(503) 646-7101


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