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Home For Patients Dental Blog What To Do After A Tooth Abscess Ruptures Or Bursts On Its Own

What To Do After A Tooth Abscess Ruptures Or Bursts On Its Own

Posted on 10/31/2023 by Dr Anthony Bouneff
Asian woman holding the side of her mouth from pain should see Beaverton Oral Surgeons in Hillsboro, ORA tooth abscess can not only be uncomfortable but also painful and life-threatening. If not checked, the abscess might rupture and release a foul taste in the mouth. If an abscess ruptures, get straight to a dentist to see that it is drained properly and cleaned. It is prudent to know what you should do when an abscess bursts.

What Causes Tooth Abscesses?

A dental abscess occurs after you get a bacterial infection in the gums. Inflammation occurs and later on pus forms underneath the gumline. Bacteria in the mouth attach to the gums and destroy the outer layer. The body triggers an inflammation response to help fight the infection.

The inflammation arises because of the white cells being directed to that area to ward off the infection. However, the white cells die and get entrapped inside the gum tissue or in a tiny gum pocket. This is how the pus from tooth abscess forms. As the gums slowly absorb the white cells, an abscess continues to form. If you have a ruptured tooth abscess, use these tips before you get to the dentist or oral surgeon for treatment.

Rinse the Mouth

Pus is released after an abscess bursts. Therefore, make sure you rinse your mouth. It helps clean away the unpleasant taste as well as odor that is in the mouth due to the pus. Use warm saltwater to clean the mouth to alleviate discomfort.

Stop Bleeding

There may be some minor bleeding after an abscess raptures. Apply gentle pressure using a clean gauze or a clean piece of cloth to prevent or stop bleeding.

Avoid Touching the Abscess

If you have stopped the bleeding and releasing of pus, avoid touching the area. You might transfer bacteria to that area, which may bring more complications.

Use OTC Pain Relievers

Severe pain may occur after the burst, so take some pain relievers. They will offer temporary relief as you seek dentist help. Get to the dentist immediately. See our oral surgeon if you have a tooth abscess to have it drained and the area treated to save your tooth. Don't wait for it to burst.

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(503) 646-7101


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(503) 646-7101


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